Services Provided


Therapeutic counselling can be helpful for teenagers (and by extension, their families) who have experienced difficult life events or whose symptoms are impacting their everyday lives or who are simply struggling to cope with and make sense of the development into young adulthood. 

The safe space of the counselling room (in person or on-line)...

The safe space of the counselling room (in person or on-line) provides an environment in which adolescents can talk confidentially about things that they may find much harder to discuss elsewhere or in other settings. Together, we sensitively explore thoughts, feelings and the reasons behind emotional distress.

Sharing thoughts, feelings, and the worries and/or problems that emerge from them...

Sharing thoughts, feelings, and the worries and/or problems that emerge from them, can help reduce stress and anxiety, build resilience, confidence, and self-esteem to travel toward contentment going into young adulthood.

Growing up through adolescence can often be an emotionally challenging...

Growing up through adolescence can often be an emotionally challenging with lots of twists and turns along the way, and no two journeys through adolescence are the same. As with all my therapy, you lead the way, but it’s together that we find the best route.

Adolescence can also be difficult time for those related to you, carers, guardians and for your friendships...

Adolescence can also be a difficult time for those related to you, carers, guardians and for your friendships.  Understanding of your own needs and how you belong to the world you live in will assist you to cope with the range of unique pressures upon you and by this therapeutic process you will help those close to you to understand you and to cope, too.


Person-centred counselling seeks to increase awareness, realise choices, and develop skills to make changes in the client’s life – changes that feel appropriate and natural for you.

I can help you if you feel trapped by an issue...

I can help you if you feel trapped by an issue; if you wish to reflect on your life from new perspectives; if a stressful situation or traumatic event has left you emotionally vulnerable or fragile, and you are struggling to cope.

Focus on and working with the emotions that arise from current life events...

Focus on and working with the emotions that arise from current life events will help you to navigate those events and realise your best outcomes or, at the least, understand yourself better as a result and achieve clarity in your life.

I believe that new insights into your issues and, more importantly, how you respond to them...

I believe that new insights into your issues and, more importantly, how you respond to them, and cope will give you empowerment and the most important factor in any person’s life – control.


In couples therapy we move away from focus on the individual and into the dynamic of the relationship – how you jointly live in it, with it and for it.

The relationship becomes the heart of your journey towards...

The relationship becomes the heart of your journey towards contentment in your togetherness. The goal we strive for is to find the path that fulfils you both in the relationship, enhancing the lives of both.

Your relationship is constantly developing and changing...

Your relationship is constantly developing and changing and sits at the heart of your lives so thinking about it and giving yourselves the opportunity to better understand it and seek out what will mutually satisfy, can be a profound impactful process in your togetherness.

Your relationship and how you live it will also impact and influence...

Your relationship and how you live it will also impact and influence those close to you, family, friends, colleagues, and others so that your relationship with each other becomes part of a matrix of relationships with others. 

Your therapy will also allow you to better understand the pressures that cause fragility...
Ultimately, we will travel towards a better understanding...

Ultimately, we will travel towards a better understanding of each of you, through understanding how you co-exist inside your relationship as a unit.

Get In Touch


New Southgate, N11


Mon - Fri: 10am - 9pm
Weekends: 10am - 3pm